
首页 色谱柱与填料 多糖衍生物键合型手性色谱柱
现在已有12款:CHIRALPAK® IA/IB N※/IC/ID/IE/IF/IG/IH/IJ/IK/IM/IN(简称 iCHIRAL Series), iCHIRAL Series可拆分的手性化合物广泛。
※CHIRALPAK® IB N-5/IB N-3与CHIRALPAK® IB/IB-3(填料粒径:5µm/3µm)的手性填料均为纤维素三(3,5-二甲基苯基氨基甲酸酯)共价键合在硅胶表面,IB N-5/IB N-3在保持IB/IB-3分离倾向的同时,大幅改善了分离度,不仅在分析中提高了分离性能,应用于分离纯化时也可提升制备效率。
iCHIRAL Series的特性
正相:n-Hexane, IPA, EtOH
特殊流动相:Ethyl acetate,CH₃Cl, THF, MTBE
反相:H₂O, IPA, MeOH
新型手性填料(CHIRALPAK® IC/ID/IE/IF/IG/IK)的加入,大大提高了分离能力。而且iCHIRAL Series系列所有型号手性柱都有填料粒径为3μm的规格。部分型号推出了1.6μm填料粒径的规格,适用于UHPLC,进一步提高了分离能力。
iCHIRAL Series手性柱是通过化学键合的方式将多糖衍生物固定在硅胶上,对于乙醇、乙醚、乙酸乙酯以及卤代溶剂具有良好的耐受力,能够将反应液简单过滤后进到手性柱中,节省了分析前处理的时间。
在使用一段时间以后,手性柱的分离能力可能会由于正常损耗而有所下降。iCHIRAL Serise可使用特定的溶剂来进行手性柱再生,以恢复手性柱的分离能力。再生方法请参考使用说明书。
iCHIRAL Series系列可使用各类溶剂作为流动相或者溶解样品的溶剂(请注意溶剂之间的互溶性),举例如下:
  • 正己烷 (n-Hexane)

  • 二甲基亚砜 (DMSO)

  • 异丙醇 (IPA)

  • 氯仿 (Trichloromethane)

  • 甲基叔丁基醚 (MTBE)

  • 乙腈 (Acetonitrile)

  • 二氯甲烷 (Dichloromethane)

  • 甲苯 (Methylbenzene)

  • 四氢呋喃 (THF)

  • 1,4-二氧六环(1,4-dioxane)

  • 乙酸乙酯 (Acetic ether)

  • 水 (H2O)

iCHIRAL Series系列可以选择各种溶剂作为流动相,扩大了色谱分析和制备条件的范围内,可在实验过程中选择适合的流动相条件。

● Profiling of branched chain and straight chain saturated fatty acids by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, X. Fu, N. Hafza, F. Götz, M. Lämmerhofer, J. Chromatogr. A, 1703, issue #16, (2023)
The Chiral Separation of the (+) and (-) Enantiomers of Cannabidiol, W. Umstead, Cannabis Science and Technology, 5, issue #5, (2022), 30-34
The separation of several organophosphate pesticides on immobilized polysaccharide chiral stationary phases, W. Champion Jr, W. Watts Jr, W. Umstead, Chirality, 34, issue #8, (2022), 1078-1093
ON/OFF receptor-like enantioseparation of planar chiral 1,2-ferrocenes on an amylose-based chiral stationary phase: The role played by 2-propanol, C. Cantatore, M. Korb, H. Lang, R. Cirilli, Analytica Chimica Acta, 1211, (2022)
Characteristic and complementary chiral recognition ability of four recently developed immobilized chiral stationary phases based on amylose and cellulose phenyl carbamates and benzoates, T. Onishi, T. Ueda, K. Yoshida, K. Uosaki, H. Ando, R. Hamasaki, A. Ohnishi, Chiralty, (2022), 1-16
Investigation of retention behavior of natural cannabinoids on differently substituted polysaccharide-based chiral stationary phases under reversed-phase liquid chromatographic conditions, C. De Luca, A. Buratti, W. Umstead, P. Franco, A. Cavazzini, S. Felletti, M. Catani, J. Chromatogr. A, 1672, (2022)
Single-run chemo- and enantio-selective high-performance liquid chromatography separation of tramadol and its principal metabolite, O-desmethyltramadol, using a chlorinated immobilized amylose-based chiral stationary phase under multimodal elution conditions, C. Cantatore, G. La Regina, R. Ferretti, R. Silvestri, R. Cirilli, Sep Sci Plus, (2022), 1-6
Towards enantioselective ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry-based metabolomics of branched-chain fatty acids and anteiso-fatty acids under reversed-phase conditions using sub-2-μm amylose- and cellulose-derived chiral stationary phases, C. Geibel, L. Zhang, K. Serafimov, H. Gross, M. Lämmerhofer, Chiralty, (2022), 1-14
DoE Optimization Empowers the Automated Preparation of Enantiomerically Pure [18F]Talazoparib and its In Vivo Evaluation as a PARP Radiotracer, G. D. Bowden, S. Stotz, J. Kinzler, C. Geibel, M. Lämmerhofer, B. J. Pichler, A. Maurer, J. Med. Chem., 64, issue #21, (2021), 15690–15701
The Separation of Cannabinoids on Sub-2 μm Immobilized Polysaccharide Chiral Stationary Phases, T. Onishi, W. J. Umstead, Pharmaceuticals, 14, issue #12, (2021)
The Separation of Several Minor Cannabinoids via Chiral HPLC, W. J. Umstead, Cannabis Science and Technology, 4, issue #6, (2021), 44-51
Enantiomeric methadone quantitation on real post-mortem dried matrix spots samples: Comparison of liquid chromatography and supercritical fluid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry, F. Mueller, G.L. Losacco, R. Nicoli, D. Guillarme, A. Thomas, E. Grata, J. Chromatogr B., (2021)
Solvent versatility of immobilized 3,5-dimethylphenylcarbamate of amylose in enantiomeric separations by HPLC, T. Zhang, C. Kientzy, P. Franco, A. Ohnishi, Y. Kagamihara, H. Kurosawa, J. Chromatogr. A, 1075 (2005) 65-75
● Cellulose 3,5-dimethylphenylcarbamate immobilized on silica: A new chiral stationary phase for the analysis of enantiomers, T. Zhang, D. Nguyen, P. Franco, T. Murakami, A. Ohnishi, H. Kurosawa, Anal. Chim. Acta, 557 (2006) 221-228
● Cellulose tris(3,5-dichlorophenylcarbamate) immobilised on silica: A novel chiral stationary phase for resolution of enantiomers, T. Zhang, D. Nguyen, P. Franco, Y. Isobe, T. Michishita, T. Murakami, J. Pharm. Biochem. Anal., 46 (2008) 882-891
● Common approaches for efficient method development with immobilised polysaccharide-derived chiral stationary phases, P. Franco, T. Zhang, J. Chromatogr. B, 875 (2008) 48
● Enantiomer resolution screening strategy using multiple immobilised polysaccharide-based chiral stationary phases, T. Zhang, D. Nguyen, P. Franco, J. Chromatogr. A, 1191 (2008) 214-222
● Complementary enantiorecognition patterns and specific method optimization aspects on immobilized polysaccharide-derived chiral stationary phases, T. Zhang, P. Franco, D. Nguyen. R. Hamasaki, S. Miyamoto, A. Ohnishi. T. Murakamo, J. Chromatogr. A, 1269 (2012) 178–188




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